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VIII Edition of International Contest YPEF
YPEF VIII edition announced!
The eighth edition of the YPEF contest announced!
The YPEF International Commission announces the eighth edition of the international contest Young People in European Forests.
National stages of the contest will be held between 1st of February and 1st of August 2018. The European Stage will be organized by Lithuanian Foresters Association and will take place in autumn 2018 in the place indicated by the organizers from Lithuania.
Below we publish the Rules of YPEF contest 2017/2018:
Rules of the YPEF contest 2017/2018
and educational materials for YPEF 2017/2018:
Welcome to the YPEF VIII !
We wish you success!
VII Edition of International Contest YPEF
The seventh edition of the YPEF contest announced!
The YPEF International Commission announces the seventh edition of the international contest Young People in European Forests. National stages of the contest will be held between 1st of February and 15th of September 2017. The European Stage will be organized by Hungarian Forestry Association and will take place in Sopron, Hungary in the last week of September 2017.
Below we publish the Rules of YPEF contest 2016/2017:
Rules of the YPEF contest 2016/2017
and educational materials for YPEF 2016/ 2017:
Welcome to the YPEF VII !
We wish you success!
VI Edition of International Contest YPEF
The sixth edition of the YPEF contest announced!
The YPEF International Commission announces the sixth edition of the international contest Young People in European Forests. National stages of the contest will be held between 1st of February and 15th of September 2016. The European Stage will be organized by YPEF National Commission Latvia and will take place at the end of September or beginning of October 2016 in Latvia.
The educational materials for YPEF 2015/2016 will be coming soon. Keep following our website.
Young people from all over Europe – JOIN YPEF 2015/2016!
The fourth edition of YPEF contest 2013/2014
„Tērvetes sils”, Tērvetes novads
e-mail: tervetetic@inbox.lv
tel: +37163726212
Contact person: Līga-Zute Abizāre L.Zute-Abizāre@lvm.lv
National stage Contest in Latvia
In Latvia the YPEF National Stage of the Contest was organized by JSC "Latvia`s State Forests" (LVM) in cooperation with Ogre Forest Technical School. The Contest language was English.
Ogre Technical School forestry and forestry equipment department 32 students of forestry and forestry machinery educational programs participated in the contest.
Roberts, Nauris, Elmārs
Winners are-
1st place- Tomass Rudzinsks,
2nd place- Nauris Īstenais
3rd place- Elmārs Grāvītis and Roberts Čekšs.
Teacher - Mrs. Solvita Krodziniece.
Three students accompanied by teacher and member of LVM will go to the International Contest in Eberswalde.
„Tērvetes sils”, Tērvetes novads
e-mail: tervetetic@inbox.lv
tel: +37163726212
Contact person: Līga-Zute Abizāre L.Zute-Abizāre@lvm.lv
We start with new mini contest "Forest Quiz" for all YPEF participants. Click the link below for more information: http://old.ypef.eu/mini_contests
The third edition of the YPEF contest is announced!
ypef 11/11/2012
On 7th - 8th of November took place the meeting of the YPEF ICC in Vienna. The third edition of the YPEF contest has been announced! The schedule of the contest is as follows: 8th November 2012 – 30th November 2012 preparations to the contest – preparing educational materials; 1st December 2012 – 31st January 2013 participants’ preparations, learning for the contest;
1st February 2013 – 31st May 2013 3rd edition, national stages in all YPEF partner countries; September 2013, Portugal – 3rd edition, final stage.
Here you can find the new rules of the contest YPEF 2012/2013 .
During the meeting the YPEF ICC has been transformed to the YPEF International Commission and the YPEF new program, included new contests platform and YPEF school network has been discussed.
In the meeting participated representatives of the organizations from Austria, Czech Republic, Estonia, Germany, Greece, Hungary, Latvia, Lithuania and Poland.
National Contest in Latvia
Final of the National stage in Latvia was held in 16 April, 2012. 9 schools from Latvia who collected the biggest number of points in firt stage were chosen to participate in second stage/final – to complete the knowledge test about Europe’s Forests. Collecting all results were found three knowledgeable young people who `ll go to Estonia in Autumn time. They are students from Ventspils 4th High school:
- Agnis Kaspars Frišenfelds (47 of 50 maximum points)
- Maruta Roģe (47 p.)
- Roberts Bomis (45 p.)
JSC "Latvia`s State Forests" thanks for all National Contest participants and wish them luck in international contest.
Mr. Janez Potočnik - European Commissioner for Environment took over patronage for the second edition of YPEF contest!!
On the 21st of December Dr. Janez Potocnik - European Commissioner for Environment sent a letter to the YPEF International Contest Commission informing that he takes over patronage for the second edition of YPEF contest.
“… I fully endorse your approach aiming at both integration and education. It is important to keep the attention high on forest protection, especially in the interest of the youngest generations. I welcome this initiative and I am happy to provide my patronage for this event. …”
Message of Mr. Janez Potočnik - European Commissioner for Environment to participants of the second edition of YPEF contest.
Thank you Mr. Commissioner for your support to our initiative!
During the meeting of the YPEF International Contest Commission in Warsaw on 7th of December 2011, the second edition of the YPEF International Contest about forests and forestry in Europe has been announced. Organizations from eleven countries: Austria, Czech Republic, Estonia, Germany, Hungary, Latvia, Lithuania, Poland, Portugal, Romania and Slovenia have already declared participation in the contest.
National stage contests will take place between 1st of February and 31st of May. Winning teams from European countries will participate in the European Final Stage contest in Sagadi, Estonia on 26th – 27th of September 2012. We invite youths from other European countries to participation in the YPEF 2011/2012 International Contest!
Laipni lūgti Starptautiskā konkursa "Jaunieši Eiropas mežos" (YPEF) 2010/2011 mājas lapā
Starptautiskā konkursa patrons ir Polijas Vides ministrs Andrzej Kraszewski. Latvijas nacionālo atlasi konkursam organizē AS "Latvijas valsts meži" sadarbībā ar Ogres Meža tehnikumu. Mēs novēlam visiem dalībniekiem veiksmi Nacionālajā un Starptautiskajā konkursa kārtā, kas norisināsies Polijā! Vairāk informācijas Ogres Meža tehnikuma mājas lapā: http://www.mezatehnikums.lv/index.php?c=489. Izglītojošie materiāli ir atrodami sadaļā "Meet the Forests".
YPEF – starptautisks konkurss par mežiem un mežsaimniecību Eiropā!
Starptautiskā konkursa „Young people in European forests” nacionālā atlase 10. maijā norisinājās Ogres Meža tehnikumā. To organizēja AS „Latvijas valsts meži” sadarbībā ar Ogres Meža tehnikumu. Atlasē varēja piedalīties ikviens Ogres Meža tehnikuma audzēknis, kuram, uzsākot 2010. / 2011. mācību gadu, nebija vairāk par 18 gadiem un mazāk par 12 gadiem. Nacionālās atlases ietvaros konkursantiem bija jāatbild uz 50 testa jautājumiem, kurus bija sagatvojusi Starptautiskā konkursa komisija. Konkurss notika angļu valodā. Apkopojot rezultātus, tika noskaidroti trīs zinošākie jaunieši, kas rudenī dosies uz sacensībām Polijā - Edgars Iecelnieks (18 gadi), Nils Fridriksons (16 gadi) un Arturs Mikelens (16 gadi). AS "Latvijas valsts meži" pateicas visiem nacionālās atlases dalībniekiem un novēl veiksmi uzvarētājiem starptautiskajās sacensībās Polijā!
YPEF Konkursa nacionālā atlase notiks Ogres meža tehnikumā 10.maijā, bet starptautiskais fināls - 2011. gada septembrī Polijā. Nacionālo atlasi organizē AS „Latvijas valsts meži” sadarbībā ar Ogres Meža tehnikumu. Konkursā var piedalīties Ogres Meža tehnikuma audzēkņi, kas uzsākot 2010./2011. mācību gadu nebija vecāki par 18 gadiem un jaunāki par 12 gadiem.
Pieteikties nacionālajai atlasei var personīgi pie Ogres Meža tehnikuma direktora vietnieces mācību darbā Danas Baltusevičas līdz 1. Maijam, e-pasts: macibudala@mezatehnikums.lv . Nacionālajā atlasē konkursantiem vienas dienas laikā būs jāatbild uz 50 testa jautājumiem par mežu Latvijā un citās Eiropas valstīs, uz kuriem atbildes var atrast konkursa mājas lapā www.ypef.eu sadaļā „Meet the Forest”. Konkurss notiek angļu valodā. Welcome!
YPEF konkursa Nacionālās atlases nolikums
Nacionālās atlases mērķis ir noskaidrot 2 – 3 erudītākos jauniešus no Ogres Meža tehnikuma, kas pārstāvēs Latviju Starptautiskajā YPEF konkursā Polijā 2011. gada rudenī.
Nacionālajā atlasē konkursantiem vienas dienas laikā būs individuāli jāatbild uz 50 testa jautājumiem par mežu Latvijā un citās Eiropas valstīs, uz kuriem atbildes var atrast konkursa mājas lapā www.ypef.eu sadaļā „Meet the Forest”. Nacionālās atlases kārtā konkursanti varēs izmantot visus viņiem pieejamos palīgmateriālus. Konkurss notiks angļu valodā.
Norises vieta un laiks.
Konkursa nacionālā atlase notiks Ogres Meža tehnikumā 10.maijā, bet starptautiskais fināls - 2011. gada septembrī Polijā.
Ogres Meža tehnikuma audzēkņi, kas uzsākot 2010./2011. mācību gadu nebija vecāki par 18 gadiem un jaunāki par 12 gadiem.
Nacionālo atlasi organizē AS „Latvijas valsts meži” sadarbībā ar Ogres Meža tehnikumu. Kontaktpersona Līga Zute-Abizāre, l.zute@lvm.lv .
Pieteikties nacionālajai atlasei var personīgi pie Ogres Meža tehnikuma direktora vietnieces mācību darbā Danas Baltusevičas līdz 1. maijam.
1) There will be a link of our website about contest in Latvia: http://www.mezatehnikums.lv/index.php?c=489