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Meeting in Vienna

The meeting in Vienna soon. The YPEF International Contest Commission has a meeting in Austria, February 22-23. The YPEF partners from the participating countries are going to announce the International Contest "Young People in European Forests 2010/2011".
 The YPEF International Contest Commission, the Federal Ministry of Agriculture, Forestry, Environment and Water Management in Austria and the Union of the Austrian Foresters organize on February, 22-23, 2011 the meeting of the YPEF International Contest Commission in Vienna and Oggau in Austria during which the International Contest "Young People in European Forests 2010/2011” will be announced.
 The friends of forests from many European countries - representatives of governmental institutions and non-governmental organizations that want to participate in the Contest are invited. The authors of the education materials which will be used for the Contest are invited as well.
 The meeting will summarize the works and organizational issues established so far. It is an occasion to improve the cooperation between participating countries. YPEF team is invited!

+ Program of the Meeting
+ Registration Form