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National Stage in Romania 2016


Welcome to the International Competition "Young People in European Forests" YPEF 2015/2016

In Romania, the contest is organized by the National Forest Administration - ROMSILVA together with the Association for Sustainable Community Development – Alutus and the Ministry of Youth & Sports.

The contest involved 40 educational institutions from 20 counties in Romania.

This year the National Stage of the competition was held from 18 to 22 May in Pădureni, Covasna County. At this stage 15 teams had to solve indoor and outdoor tasks in order to win this stage.

After evaluating the results the National Commission declared as the winner of the YPEF National Stage the team of the National College Alexandru Papiu Ilarian from Targu Mures:

- Mătieș Georgiana - student;

- Pașca Sylvya - student;

- Toma Daniel - student;

- Pogăcean Daniela - teacher.

The winners will participate at the European Stage, which will be held in Latvia from 28 to 30 September.

Good luck to the young participants!