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YPEF national Final in Hungary.

Hungarian YPEF finalThe “Young People in European forests” contests national finals took place in Hungary

Ten schools’ eleven teams took part in the "Young People in European Forests" (YPEF) international academic contest’s Hungarian finals, where this year the ”Baár Madas Református” High School’s team was the best one.

The YPEF international contest in 2012 was announced by the Hungarian Forestry Association (HFA) and the YPEF International Contest Commission for the second time. The implementation was made by the HFA and by the “Kitaibel Pál Biology and Environmental High School Study Contest”.

Nearly half a hundred schools’ three hundred students took part in the first round of the contest in Hungary. The results were very close together, only a few points decided in favour of the first 11 teams who had qualified for the national finals.

The tasks in the finals of the competition had to be solved in English. The good result required stable English language skills especially because the best team will represent our country in the international finals taking place in Estonia. (In the “2011 YPEF finals” taking place in Poland the Hungarian team of students got the first place!)

The final result:
-    Baár-Madas Református Gimnázium (40 pont)
-    Radnóti Miklós Kísérleti Gimnázium, Szeged (35 pont)
-    Kőbányai Szent László Gimnázium  (34 pont)
-    Eötvös József Gimnázium és Kollégium, Tata (32 pont)
-    Ferences Gimnázium, Szentendre (30 pont)
-    Kőbányai Szent László Gimnázium  (28 pont)
-    Szegedi Szolgáltatási Középiskola és Szakiskola Kiss Ferenc Erdészeti Tagintézménye (24 pont)
-    FMÖ Táncsics Mihály Gimnáziuma (22 pont)
-    Jurisich Miklós Gimnázium, Kőszeg (22 pont)
-    Katona József Gimnázium, Kecskemét (21 pont)
-    Szentpáli István Kereskedelmi és Vendéglátó Szakközépiskola és Szakiskola (15 pont)

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Hungarian Forestry Association

Hungarian YPEF final Hungarian YPEF final Hungarian YPEF final