The victory of “Green Planet” in the regional meeting of “school forestries”
Traditionally in May at the end of school year the Regional Directorate of Forestry in Kirovograd together with the Regional Organization of Foresters and the community unit “Regional centre of ecological and natural art of school youth” organize the regional meeting of “school forestries”.
On the 22 of May in the Novoarkhangelsk recreation centre for children “Brygantyna” 13 teams of young foresters from the best “school forestries” were gathered.
The Head of the Regional Directorate of Forestry in Kirovograd Natalia Revenko addressed in her speech to young foresters with the words of gratitude for protecting and renovation of forests. She also pointed the great importance of cooperation with youth, because these young people will soon work on the greening of steppe Kirovograd Region.
The official part of the meeting ended with a planting of alley of Friendship by young foresters.
Young guests of the “Brygantyna” had to work hard during the whole year to become the best “school forestry” in the region. The main point of the meeting was a competition programme, which included an exbition of achievements and presentation of “school forestries” as well as the educational game “Travelling in the Forest”.
After the competition the entertainment programme “In the Friends’ Circle” took place and official results were announced.
The prizes were divided as follows: the third place took school forestries “Flora” (Kirovograd), Bogdanivskie (School Nr 1 of Znamiansky district) and Birkivskie (School of Birkivskie in Oleksandrivske District). The second place was granted to forestries Veselobukovenkivske (Ivanivksa School of Dolynskie District), Onufriivske (Onufriivska School) and Chervono-Nerubaivskie (Pidlisnensky Educational Centre of Oleksandrivski Region). According to the judges the first place won the team “Green Planet” which represented the Kompaniivska School.
Young foresters received presents and honorary certificates from the organizers - memorable books on nature and native land, computer memory cards and sweets.
Kirovograd foresters are proud of their young generation and wish them further successes!
The winners: Galushka Andriy, Mikhailov Sergiy and Samoylenko Liliya will participate in the European Final Stage of the YPEF contest in Busteni, Romania. Congratulations!